We visited with his Joe’s dad at Perkins.
Grandpa George
Jack was too busy. He didn’t want to get up.
We went to visit the Jordan Creek mall on Wednesday. I stopped in and got some awesome smelling body spray from Victoria’s Secret. It also comes in a shampoo, conditioner, lotion, bubble bath, and body wash I assume. It smells de-lish.
a couple of Jack and Andy’s cousins sharing a book with Grammy
Some more:
outside window
Alex and his Great Grandma on Joe’s side. Alex was born on her birthday. She also has another great grandchild (girl) who was born on her birthday 3 years ago. Pretty neat stuff.
Andy got his first haircut on Tuesday. My what a little stud he is. He looks so much like Jack with his hair shorter.
Gee, I am pretty cute!
The stitches in my gums will be taken out next Wednesday. I don’t know if I can take it that much longer. They are starting to come out already and I have to push them back in with my tongue!
Oh my Jack…. he broke his “baby’s 1st Christmas” ornament today. I think it was him anyway. He blamed Andy, but I just had a feeling it was him. So, he got put into time out for a bit. He wanted out so bad. He says to me, “I love you, Mom. You are so pretty.” I of course still wouldn’t let him up. “I want a new mom.” he tells me. Joe came home shortly after this happens, and I guess Jack told Joe he wanted a new mom, too. Joe told him we wanted a new boy. A nice boy. Jack said “ok”. Joe said we would give him to people that were mean…. “I love Mommy.” Yes, that’s my Jack. My mouthy, too smart for his own good, Jack.
I keep saying I want to lose weight. And I do! I am just under so much stress right now, and not getting enough sleep. Something has got to give because I want to get back into my good comfy clothes. I should be in pretty good shape by this point. I’m not too bad off, but not where I want to be!! By Christmas…. I am going to lose 7-10lbs. I can do it, I can do. Just gotta put my mind to it!!
Today was a sad day. I attended my second funeral. My Great Aunt Elke’s. I learned more about her than I knew. What an amazing woman she was. I really wish I would have known her better. May God bless her sisters (my grandmother included), her daughters and her grandchildren. It was a beautiful service.
We have our tree up. I’m sure that was pretty obvious since Jack broke an ornament.
lucky me… I got picture before he broke it.
For more pics… check out my facebook.
I am so tired beyond belief. I have got to hit the hay! Have a good night.
Awwwww.... poor Roo, gettin' all his pretty hair cut off :( I'd cry too :(