Friday, November 6, 2009

Mattresses! Pillows!

     Another beautiful morning is upon us! And another day to be thankful. Today I'm thankful for TV News Bloopers ( Favorite Video! ). If I can keep laughing at the little things in life, I'll continue to feel the happiness I feel everyday.

Well..... I'm not getting my Dell this week (DUDE! I'm not gettin' my Dell!). The e-mail that was sent was to inform me the printer will be here this week. Yes. The printer. Because we all know the printer can and should be used right away. Like an appetizer, no? I'm curious as to why the printer is coming first. I should have read the e-mail better. Bad, bad habit of mine. I read over things too quickly, and regret it later. Not only that, but I misread things so badly! The random question I answered on my profile started out "Lionesses have no manes." But what I read over and over again was "Loneliness has no manes." What? Is this some profound quote I never knew about? "Loneliness has no manes. But it has a hair brush." I don't know. As much as I read books I would think this wouldn't be an issue. But the fact the printer is coming before the computer kind of reminds me of this new quote.... "Loneliness has no manes. But it has a hair brush." It works in my head.

We finally picked out a mattress and will be getting it on Tuesday! After going to the Serta store and laying on beds, and then to the Lebeda store to lay on beds, and then back to Serta and then back to Lebeda... we decided on a Lebeda. Iowa made, and that bed was awesome. Joe and I both loved the memory foam beds, but they were a little to high in price for us. We went with Monterey Pillow Top. It has 2 inches of memory foam on top. Wish I could post a link, but that bed isn't up and running their site at the moment. It was HEAVEN laying there. The sales man also let me have a pillow with the mattress. I am HIGHLY recommending the latex foam pillows to ALL! Both of the sales people at the stores use them. Neither one tried to sell me on it, when I laid down, I just new I had to have that pillow. I don't think I have ever slept on a pillow worth more than $5. For the last 2 months I've had serious neck pain. I couldn't turn my head in certain ways with out severe pain. I woke up this morning and 70% of the pain was GONE! I hope in time it will go completely away. I'm sure the new mattress will help as well. Oh, that pillow is awesome!

Well, my printer just got here. That was a painful experience. One of our cats is very easily freaked out. She jumped up out of the chair when the delivery man rang the door bell. Well, I saw him coming so I was already on my way to the door. Dumb cat ran right out in from of me into my foot. My ankle is throbbing!! I can only imagine the cat is probably in a large amount of pain. Stupid cat. That's going to leave a large mark on my ankle. Ow.

We made it to Hobby Lobby last night. We got Alex's 1st Christmas ornament, and our 2009 ornament. You know what drives me crazy? People who crowd at check outs. Hello!!! She's still ringing up my items! Your coat is touching my arm!! Your perfume is going to make me pass out! BACK OFF! I wonder what makes people think that I'm going to move any faster. I might just move slower. Have some patience people! Wait your turn. No need to see what's in my purse. It's just the basics, I promise. Wallet, lotion.... mace..... Oh, yeah… you saw that!? I might just use it if you don’t back off! I should have just said the people behind me are paying. I mean, no one would ever get THISCLOSE to anyone unless they knew each other... surely.

The cat looks dazed. I think her eyes are looking different ways now. Ow. Well, it was another busy morning in our home. We went to MOPS this morning, and now we are home eating lunch. After Andy and Alex take a nap, Jack and I are going to clean out the van!

   Have a good rest of the day, everyone. Keep on dancin' :)

1 comment:

  1. LOL I detest when people do that as well. I sooo need to clean my car. Good for you. Isn't that so dumb that they send them out in pieces. When I bought my computer last year I got my new monitor but no cables - NONE - I wasn't impressed! Alas they finally all came and it was up and running. Can't wait to hear all about it :) Awesome you got new pillows! Hubby wants a new mattress too.


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