Saturday, November 7, 2009

I stink at blog titles

I usually try and wait until my blog is written before I add a title, just because most of the time I don't really know what all I'm going to say. Not today. I just threw that one up there. I can't imagine one better right now.

What am I thankful for today? For Jack's Doodle Pro. My grandma got it for him for Christmas last year, and that is hands down his single most favorite toy. He draws constantly on it. Everything, anything! It's easy to take on trips with us as well. It's fantastic.

I found a good quote a couple of days ago while I was making a 2010 planner purchase at Barnes & Noble. "Go confidently in the direction of your dreams." -Henry David Thoreau. I found out the rest of the quote was "Live the life you've imagined. As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler". It was on a book mark and I thought it was fantastic. It caught my eye because of the bright orange print and I was looking for a better book mark besides a scribbled on 4x6 note card. I decided that $6 was too much to pay for half a quote in pretty writing, so it's on my note card now... along with the scribbles. Maybe one day I'll make a nicer book mark.

It just really hit home with me. I have desires and dreams like everyone else, and only recently have I started going confidently. I am the only one who can do this. I actually feel like I am doing something with my life. Of course I am a mother, of course I am a wife. I'm speaking strictly in the selfish sense about an individual desire of my heart. I like to keep pushing myself to try new things, to experience more; to taste other kinds of ice cream besides my favorite. That's not meant literally. I really don't like ice cream. It's too sugary creamy for my taste. I do like shakes though.... and malts. I eat ice cream from time to time, but not often. Kind of like chocolate. Stupid chocolate.

So, we got bunk beds for the boys last night. It was a quick trip to Coralville to get them. They look great. I was hoping for wood, but at the price we got them, it's worth it for red metal. I think I'm more excited than they are.

I'm thinking of getting Jack into dance. I just know he would do great. He loves to dance, and I think it would be right up his alley. Ah, I can only imagine how cute he would be.

On another off note (I have lots of those) have you noticed how the CAPTCHA, which stands for Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart..... I don't get it. It should be CAPTTTTCAHA, which would be way more fun to say. Why is "test" not important, but "apart" is? Anyway.... they are becoming actual words instead of random letters. I'm thinking of naming my son Brockton Chester after a CAPTCHA on Facebook and my daughter Fleesara after a CAPTCHA on Blogspot. It's coming, you just wait and see. The new hot trend I tell you. If you're looking for a 1st and middle name, try Facebook. Keep posting until you get the message. If you're only looking for a 1st name and are leaving the middle name to that of a relative, try Blogspot. What others have you noticed? I think they are hilarious. I can see it now on the shelves of book stores "The CAPTCHA Name Book".

   I'm off to edit more pictures. I spent most of the day cleaning, and now I'm off to edit. Then after Andy and Alex get up it's off to see Joe and family working on the roof, and then off to wash the van.



  1. Hey girly... a post without photos... come on :P

    Im editing and then will be posting!

  2. I know. It sucks. I have to get through my senior session from last week 1st. I'm barely half way there.


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