Tuesday, November 10, 2009

"I'd come back with cabbage"

      What am I thankful for today? Today I am thankful for my sister, Amy. She still has a child-like mind about her, the same one I posses as well, and it makes things so much fun with her. She’s not afraid to say silly things along with me. Oh, it just makes me laugh to no end when I think about what she says and does. One of my favorite quotes by her is “I’d come back with cabbage.” when asked to do something she doesn't know much about. Story. She was sent out when she was a teen for lettuce. She ran into my husband there (not married yet) and he told her to make sure it was small and firm. Well, I guess that’s cabbage for you. Yes, she bought cabbage. I’m laughing about it now. Oh, I love her so. I’m thankful for my parents for wanting to have more children to share memories with. This one’s for you Amy, my seastar, “It’s like a baby doll”. Just laugh.

      I am anxious for Joe to get home so we can get the mattress all set up and just... lay.... there. I can hardly wait to float off to dreamland tonight.

       Jack and I are starting a little bit of preschooling now. We got the Hooked on Phonics program at Stuff Etc. earlier this year for $20!!! Brand new.... everything still in there. It's working out awesome so far. Jack really enjoys it, and it's just perfect! He's started reading some of the 3 letter words in there. He even read me the 1st little story in the workbook! Of course it was composed of 3 letter words, but he's getting it, and I couldn't be happier mother right now.

        I'd really like some brown boots. I have a pair of the Ugg look-a-like Skechers, and I LOVE them, but the soles are coming off! I haven't even had them for 2 years. Yeah, I wear them a lot, but this should not be happening. I don't know if it's something that can be fixed or I should just get a new pair. Anyway, I'm talking about boots with a heel. Not a tiny heel like my black ones though. I love the look of the cowboy boots, especially to wear with my dresses in the spring and fall. Any ideas? I saw some at Fashion Bug I thought were really cute.

       On another fashion note, check out Annie Swarm Art by clicking the icon in my side bar. I love that spiral scarf she has listed and I'll have to get me one soon. It's so pretty. She's got some other awesome stuff there, too. I can't decide between the thick and chunky one of the spiral one. Some thinking must be done.

      Andy is behind me right now holding the receiving end to Alex's monitor. He pushes it around and pretends it's a train. Jack just talks and laughs into it, as if Alex can hear him. Kids.

I did get an e-mail and my computer has been shipped. I can't wait to get it so I can finally use the printer.

       My friend Nicki and I went for a walk today with the kids out at East Lake. It was really nice. I haven’t walked to trail that far before. It was really nice. That is until we turned to go back and Andy decided he needed to be held. I’d hold him and push the stroller for a bit and then I’d have to put him down… and he’d cry again. Thank goodness Alex was reasonable and Jack was fantastic.

     The prosthodontist called me on our walk to check in with my status on getting the crown lengthening surgery done (it got pushed back from 2 weeks ago to the 17th because the doctor was ill). He’s a really nice guy. He used to be a photographer. Now he’s into teeth…. who knows. Anyway, he said he’d call back at a better time because Andy was crying. He had fallen down and I assured Ben (pros.) that it was no big deal. He wrapped up the conversation with “Enjoy your walk.” I respond “You, too.” Of course the second those words come out of my mouth I’m thinking about how dumb I must have just sounded. I try so hard to not make mindless comments like that. I guess I was busy.




  1. Poor Andy, him was just tired and wanted his mommy!

    Omg, I do that stuff too sometimes when ending a conversation.. or if I do hear what somebody said intsead of just asking what did you say? I just agree by saying yea and smile.. hoping that whatever they just said to me that i should be agreeing with it? i hope!lol

  2. LOL, I so do that all the time, Nicki! And then I'm trying to retrain myself to ask until I get it right. It sounds kind of funny because Joe will say something, and kind of laugh, and I'll laugh and say "yeah.." and then "what?" LOL


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