Christmas was awesome this year! NO ONE WAS SICK! And I had such a wonderful time with my family.
I remember as a kid seeing my dad and mom get gifts like tools, kitchen stuff or something practical like that, and I always felt so bad for them because they never got toys. I wonder if my kids will feel bad for me when they see the quilt my mom is getting me. I know they are interested in the Flip Video my dad got for me, but that’s hands off. The flip out USB arm could easily be turned into a shark’s dorsal fin. Not something I want. Unless I purchase the waterproof housing for it. Not going to happen. Although I was kind of wishing I had it a few days ago when I was using it to film sledding. A Ziploc bag did the trick for the time.
Here are some clips…. you may laugh out loud at my “ugh”s, commentary and other random things I say.
Kind of goofy, but I think the camera does really well for the dark.
Here’s some of the boys earlier in the light-
Boys2 (I love this one. Andy is singing “Jingle Bells” as he’s walking. He was so tired, but still didn’t want to come in!)
Boys3 (Jack was very scared about going into the timber. Later when I was sledding I went into them and the boys were watching me from inside and Joe said where I went, and I guess Andy stared saying “oh no! no no no!” And started to cry. So sweet)
The faces of Andy in about 5 seconds:
This is classic Jack- one sock on, one sock off.
These are from Christmas Eve at my dad’s:
This is Kelsey the cat. She’s around 20 years old. I can still remember the day we got her!!!
Amy and Jack. I mean “aunt-ma and Jack”
And, here’s Christmas morning!
Ok, well, I love it! The best thing is how small it is.
So, I’ve spent about 4-5 hours this week sledding. That was in 2 days. I finally had to take a break because my knees were so bruised, along with other parts of my legs, and my arms are so sore. I’ve come to the point where I think a knee board would be wonderful. But at $70 I don’t know about it. Maybe I’ll check ebay. This really could be something I could get into. It’s so much fun.
We’ve got a new layer of fresh snow out there now, and it’s been 2 days since I’ve been out there….. maybe after the kids are in bed New Year’s Eve Joe and I will go out for a midnight run. I love being able to sled at night. The light over the garage is great.
We’re off to shopping tonight. I need some new snow boots. DON’T BUY SKECHERS CANARY!!!! I bought some not even 2 years ago and they are falling apart.
I’m thankful I didn’t get hit by a truck today.