So, it’s been a few, um.. days, since I’ve blogged, and I’m sorry to say that the first thing you’re going to be reading (if you’re actually reading this and not just looking at pictures) is a vent from myself. 2 years ago for Mother’s Day I received an mp3/mp4 player. A Creative Zen. It was awesome. Loved it to bits. Then about 2 weeks ago it died on me. In the middle of a song. I tried everything to revive it before contacting Creative. I ended up e-mailing them my problem, which this woman responded to my problem with something that had nothing, and I mean nothing, to do with what I stated my problem to be. I informed her of this, and I said my player needs sent in for repair! She responded with the solution for another problem! Seriously! Do they not read e-mails anymore? Is customer service dead? I mean really! I responded and told her AGAIN what I wanted. Days went by. DAYS, people. I finally re-responded to her and this morning got a message from someone else:
Dear Amber,
> Thank you for getting back to us.
> With regards to your issue, the player needs servicing. Unfortunately,
> due to lack of spare parts we won't be able to repair your player. We
> could replace it; however since your player has already exceeded its one
> (1) year warranty period, sending your player for replacement would cost
> you as much as a brand new MP3 Player.
> I would like to recommend that you visit our Creative Outlet Store for
> interesting great deals to replace your product. Get big savings at a
> limited time offer on our various range of Specials, Refurbished,
> Clearance products at
> .
> Alternatively, you can check out our newest products at
> . Grab one today and continue to enjoy your Creative experience!
> If you still require assistance, please reply to this email with any
> previous correspondence to ensure the quickest and most accurate
> service.
> Best Regards,
> Liza Z
> Technical Support
> Creative Labs Americas
I must say, she actually understood me. YEA! Ok, now, I’m trying to figure out why 1) She would include a link to OUT OF STOCK refurbished players and 2) Why does she think I’m going to buy from Creative again? “Grab one today and continue to enjoy your Creative experience!” Really? Because I like to throw out $75 every year and a half or so for an MP3 player. I had the 2g Creative Zen. This has not been a good Creative experience.
I was so happy with this player up until this point. We even got one for my Dad for Christmas a little over a year ago. Now I’m worried about his player giving up on him. I’m just not a happy camper.
On the upside, I’ve been using the player in my cell phone far more now. I got my phone after the mp3 player, or I may have just skipped the mp3 player all together.
Thanks for your patience through all of that. So, yesterday I was looking at some pictures and I glanced at one and though to myself “Why would I wear that? I look fat in that!” Well, yeah, I was 4 months pregnant. Well, at least everything other than my stomach I looked normal.
My birthday has come and gone. My whole family was sick for 2 weeks. I’m still slightly congested. I really despise colds. However, the boys had Croup. I’m sure that’s what I had as well, but it didn’t affect me like them since I’m a “big person.”
The cake my boys bought for me. I was too sick to make my own that day. Jack wrote “mom” for me.
And thanks to my mother, we are now a Bendaroo household, Jack and his, sigh PINK frames.
Now this is the birthday cake I made for my brother and me. His favorite color is purple, or so at one time it was, and mine is orange. This was my first 2 tier cake, be gentle.
It was yummy, by the way.
That’s all the photos I have for now. I’ve been watching way too much HGTV and in Spring cleaning mode to do much of anything else this week. Including reading my books. I’ve got to whip through a novel between now and Monday, or just renew it.
I love the library. I about lost it though, well, a book for the kids. A few days after we checked it out, it went missing. I know I cleaned everywhere in the house and was at a loss. Checked the cars, everything. Out of the blue last night I look at a stack of new USPS broken down boxes and think to myself that looks like a nice place for a book to fit. Yep, it was there. Freak out mode over!!
This week I plan on making more plans for painting this spring, and getting new curtains in some rooms. Redoing Jack and Andy’s room, our bathroom, laundry room and bathroom in the basement. I want to replace cabinet and drawer pulls in the kitchen as well. I have quite the list building.
That’s all for this morning. Have a wonderful day, all!
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